Ketchup Clouds by Annabel Pitcher Review

Title: Ketchup Clouds

Author: Annabel Pitcher

Publisher: Orion

Format: Paperback and Standalone

Pages: 308

Synopsis: Zoe is a teenage girl who had done a terrible thing and writes letters to relieve her guilt to a criminal who has been sentenced to be on the Death Row for a similar crime, the difference is that nobody knows what Zoe has done.

Review: The beginning of this book was weird and confusing. It is told in a series of letters. The main character is traumatized by an event that happened. There is a silly love triangle in this book, too. I also don´t really understand what the title has to do with the book. The edition is beautiful. My favourite character was Max because I felt that he was able to take some tough decisions even under stress. Overall, I did enjoy it but I must say that it isn´t a book for everyone

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Love is a Number by Lee Monroe Review

Title: Love is a Number

Author: Lee Monroe

Publisher: Hodder´s Children´s Books

Format: Paperback and Standalone

Pages: 400

Synopsis: Eloise is your typical white rich girl, but one day her boyfriend Huck dies and she is lost. One day in a kick of sadness she sends a text to Huck´s phone. Daniel is travelling in Spain with friends before starting university. One day after a disaster he finds a strangers phone and receives a text that he didn´t expect.

Review: This was a light and easy contemporary read. It is true that it would have been better with 150 pages less. But still, I was expecting a incredible romance since that was the thing that I loved the most about Monroe´s other trilogy. Suprisingly, the romance was the thing that I liked the least about this book. The thing that I loved the most was the character development, especially in Eloise. From the start of the book when she was a spoilt teenager to the end, she grows a lot. The story is also told in the past from when Eloise and Huck just met.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Grass by Cathy MacPhail Review

Title: Grass

Author: Cathy MacPhail

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Format: Paperback and Standalone

Pages: 250

Synopsis: Leo lives happily with his family in a town infested in 3 important drug-lords. One day he is at the wrong place at the wrong time and he is immersed in the dangerous world where he can trust no-one.

Review: This is the second book that I have read by this author and I have enjoyed this one much more than the first one. I found Leo a very smart and sensible guy who knows when it´s necessary to take risks. I loved the way this book was written and the insight it gave on the world of drug-lords and how they operate.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Undeworld by Cathy McPhail Review

Title: Underworld

Author: Cathy McPhail

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Format: Paperback and Standalone

Pages: 284

Synopsis: A group of teenagers from Ireland go on a school trip to a town on the coast of England. They decide to go cave exploring and disaster strikes when they get trapped in it.

Review: This is the first book that I have read by this author and I must say that if you have never read any of her books i don´t recommend that you start with this one. The language used can be confusing as there is a lot of Irish slang. Even I, that I have a great deal of family from Ireland found certain words difficult to follow. Apart from that it is a easy and light to read, I read it in one morning. The way I felt about this novel is that the plot-idea was very good but it wasn´t as well executed as it could have been. There are also two stories occuring at the same time, in the past and in the present. My favourite character was Fiona as she proved to be of great help when the need arose as opposed to what her stereotype said of her. The characters in this book are heavily stereotyped.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



Reseña de Auronplay, el Libro

Titulo: Auronplay, el Libro

Autor: Auronplay

Editorial: Martínez Roca

Formato: Tapa blanda y autoconclusivo

Páginas: 192

Sinopsis: Una autobiografía del youtuber hispánico conocido como Auronplay. Es conocido por hacer vídeos en los que critica los vídeos de otros youtubers.

Reseña: Empecé a ver a este youtuber hace varias semanas debido a una recomendación de un compañero de clase. Me sorprendió lo mucho que me gustó porque yo no suelo ser gran fan de los videojuegos ni de este tipo de youtubers. Como me gustó mucho decidí leer su libro. Está contad o de una manera especial con dibujos y notitas de muchos tipos. A mí me pareció un gran libro para lo que se supone que tiene que ser, entretener. Si quereís una lectura joven, fresca y fácil de leer os lo recomiendo mucho.

Puntuación: 4.5 de 5 estrellas

Reseña de El Chico de las Estrellas por Chris Pueyo

Título: El Chico de las Estrellas

Autor: Chris Pueyo

Editorial: Destino

Formato: Tapa blanda y autoconclusivo

Páginas: 202

Sinopsis: Es una autobiografía. Nos cuenta su infancia y adolescencia y los problemas que tuvo saliendo del armario etc

Reseña: Me leí este libro debido a que una amiga bisexual mía se lo leyó y se convirtió en su libro favorito. A mí me gustó bastante, no me pude identificar del todo con nada del libro pero si apoyo la comunidad LGBTQ y fue interesante ver el mundo desde la perspectiva de un adolescente gay al que le da miedo salir del armario. Me pareció muy original la forma en la que está escrito el libro con los nombres de los personajes y el color de la tinta. Una cosa que si es cierta es que la portada puede llevar a los lectores a pensar que es una novela sólo de gays. La canción que se escribió para este libro tambén es preciosa y os recomiendo escucharla aunque no os gustó o no quereís leeros el libro.

Puntuación: 4 de 5 estrellas

Reseña del Diario de Ana Frank

Título: Diario de Ana Frank

Autora: Ana Frank

Editorial: Ediciones Mejicanas

Formato: Tapa blanda y autoconclusivo

Páginas: 283

Sinopsis: Diario real de una niña que vivió escondida con su familia y otras personas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Nos cuenta sus problemas y sus sentimientos.

Reseña: Me lo leí voluntariamente como una lectura obligatoria en el instituto para la clase de Lengua y Literatura. Me aburrió  bastante y creo que me metió en un bloqueo de lector. Esto no tiene por qué ser culpa del libro, pero si eres una persona a la que le gustan las lecturas frescas y fáciles no recomiendo este libro. Para sus pocas páginas se hace bastante pesado. A mí lo que más me gustó fue la fase en la que se enamoró de Peter, me pareció muy bonito en especial por la posición en la que se encontraban.

Puntuación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas

Reseña de La Resistencia por Laura Gallego

Título: La Resistencia

Autora: Laura Gallego Garcia

Trilogía: Memorias de Idhún 1

Editorial: SM

Formato: Tapa Dura

Páginas: 556

Sinopsis: Un joven de 13 años llamado Jack vuelve un día del instituto y se esncuentra a sus padres muertos y a un asesion y a un mago queriendo matarlo. Esuna novela fantástica con magia, dragones, unicornios y serpientes aladas.

Reseña: Leí esta novela como una lectura recomendada obligatoria del instituto para la clase de Lengua y Literatura. Me ha gustado bastante, no soy la mayor fan del género de la fantasía pero este libro me ha encantado. Es la segunda novela que leo de esta autora y me ha gustado bastante más que la primera. Hay un triángulo amoroso un poco frustrante y una profecía que cumplir. Mi personaje favorito fue Kirtash porque en mi opinión ha sido el personaje que hacía las desiciones más razonables.

Puntuación: 4 de 5 estrellas

Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick Review

Title: Hush Hush

Author: Becca Fitzpatrick

Series: Hush Hush 1

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

Format: Paperback

Pages: 391

Synopsis: Nora is a normal teenager until one day in her Biology class she meets Patch. Dark, mysterious and with no willingness to reveal his secrets. Patch sparks Nora´s cold heart. Without knowing it Nora finds herself being puled into a centuries old battle between the sacred and the fallen

Review: This was my millionth re-read of this book. And as with every time I completely loved it. As I have read a lot more since the first time that I read this book the literature value of it has lowered for me. But I still really loved the characters and the plot and the paranormal aspect. Patch as always is my favourite fictional boyfriend. Nora´s pathetic ways are still quite annoying, but it is something that I can live with.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars